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Bible Verse of the Day

Guest Book

Name: Arinze Ikeh

Arinze Ikeh

An Article by Arinze Ikeh


For us to have a proper grasp of this topic, it will be appropriate for us to get a definition of the important terms.

Youth ---the general definition of a youth is that a youth is a person, male or female, that is within the age range of 18-25, or probably till he or she gets married . Furthermore, the oxford advanced dictionary defines a youthful period as a time of life when a person is young, especially the time before a child becomes an adult.

The youth of our present day, tends to have a lot of activities, that give them a little or no time for God. With this, they face a lot of problems, which also take them away from God. Some of these problems like drug addiction is more prominent than other problems faced by the youth.

Most children, whose parents are always busy, have little or no time to spend with them, and the kids in turn find themselves doing all sorts of anti-social things like excessive smoking, and even drug abuse, prostitution etc. All these happen because parents are negating their responsibilities as it concerns their children.

Secondly, the oldest of all the problems facing the youth is peer pressure. Many youths, most atimes succumb to the pressure mounted on them by their peer group, to partake in some evil activities like robbery, smoking, truancy, etc

Also, the worst and the most serious is youth involvement in sexual activities. Most youths think that friendship is all about sex, they believe that non-involvement in this act makes one an inferior person and that the only way to express love is through sex. The repercussion may be teen pregnancy. This could also lead to abortion which may lead to death or serious damage of the reproductive system and may increase infant mortality.

Now let us look at the survival of the legion having looked at the character, it is estimated that a large majority of Nigerians are Christians, amongst them are Catholics and legionaries predominate in the Catholic Church.

The youth will survive if he makes an extra effort on his own. It is important for legionaries also in their work to intimate parents on the need to spend quality time with their wards, it is only in doing this that the children can feel loved, and the parents will also be able to control their activities.

Secondly, the youth can also help his friends that are under pressure, have time to talk with them, they should channel their minds towards activities that give glory to God, they should make them see the dangers inherent in nefarious activities, they should make them see the potentials inherent in working with our Lady through the legion of Mary.

Finally, youths should be made to know the dangers of pre-marital sex, the legion can organize seminars, talk-shows, or symposia to enlighten the youths on the dangers of sex. The spiritual director being a religious should also play an important role in doing this.

Whatever should be done should be done now, as the good life of the youth is important if the survival of the Catholic Church is to be assured.