Blessed Mary


Legion Tessera  

The Legion



The Legion in CKP

Up Coming Events

Bible Verse of the Day

Guest Book

We Welcome you

We the members of the English Praesidia of the Legion of Mary
Christ the King Parish(C.K.P.), Enugu, Nigeria
heartily welcome you to our website.
The site contains information we believe you might be interested in.
We hope you enjoy surfing our site and that you also tell your friends about us.
You are free to tell us anything at all.
Just drop your mesage in our guestbook.
You can also contact any individual member using the person's phone no. or email address.

About the Legion

The legion of Mary is a lay Apostolate Organisation, founded by the servant of God, Frank Duff.
It exists in more than 90 countries of the world with membership spanning into millions.

The legion can comfortably be said to be the largest lay apostolate organisation within the catholic church.
At inception, the legion started with a negligible number but before the death of its founder Frank Duff in 1981, it has gathered millions into its fold.

The legion in Nigeria first came into calabar south-south Nigeria through the efforts of early missionaries; it has spread across all the states of the federation and can comfortably boast of about 100,000 members or more.

The hierarchy of the legion extends to Ireland where the headquarters is situated, however locally, we have the senatus, and each state has its own Regia. It is the Regia that takes care of the legion in a particular state. We then have the curia-- a meeting of all officers of the individual legion organizations.
The lowest in rank but arguably very important is the praesidium this is the smallest unit of the legion, and it from here that other ranks spring from.

The legion in Christ the King Parish G.R.A. Enugu is attached to the curia, we have the English praesidia which consists of four praesidia, one junior, two intermediate and one senior.
To Learn more about the different praesisidia, Click Praesidia

We hope that you will get to understand more about us as you navigate through our web pages, you are free to ask us questions or make comments as to the presidium and their activities, in as much we expect you to make up your mind to work for the mother of God through joining the legion of Mary organization in your parish , you can also write to any of us as you go through our picture column. May God bless you.

Ave Maria!

Site Navigation

This shows you the site content to make navigation through the pages easier

The Legion: Contains

  • General information about the legion
  • The Legion Handbook
  • The Legion Tessera
  • Benefits of being a legionary

Members: Contains

  • Pictures of The Junior Praesidium Members
  • Pictures of the First Intermediate Praesidium members
  • Pictures of the Second Intermediate Praesidium Members
  • Pictures of the Senior Praesidium members

Praesidia: Contain

  • Information about our praesidia and pictures of members

Members: Contains

  • Pictures of The Junior Praesidium Members
  • Pictures of the First Intermediate Praesidium members
  • Pictures of the Second Intermediate Praesidium Members
  • Pictures of the Senior Praesidium members

The Legion in C.K.P: Contains

  • How to Join the Legion in C.K.P.
  • How the praesidia in C.K.P. holds their meetings
  • The Different works done by Legionaries in C.K.P.

Bible Verse of the Day:

  • Is a service run by that shows different bible verses for meditation and displays another verse every day


  • For our visitors to drop
    Their messages
    and any thing you wish to tell us