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Bible Verse of the Day

Guest Book

Name: Uju Ani


An Article by Uju


Hebrew 11: 11 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
John 16: 23 – whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give to you.

Whenever you pray always believe that the prayer has immediately been answered. You should always expect a change, always believe that your needs has been met. Don’t ever have doubts within you about your prayers. Refuse to accept alternatives for ugly situations in your life. Never doubt in the dark the promises God has made to you in the light no matter how you feel because every word of God has an appointed time. Always remember that God shed his own blood for you on the cross of Calvary, so if you don’t know yourself, the devil will mess you up.


Once upon a time,
There was a girl who had a very bad temper. Whenever gets mad at a friend or sibling, she destroys something.
One day, her concerned mother called her and gave her a bag of nails and said to her; “hit this nail into the wall whenever you get angry”.
Just in a day the young girl found out she had already hit thirty-seven nails into the wall. The next day, the nails hit into the wall increased by thirty-eight. Then she found out it was easier to control her anger than to hit a nail into the wall.
She tried as much as she could to control her anger, until a day came when she didn’t have to hit any nail into the wall. She knew she had done well so she ran to her mother and said “Mother can you believe I didn’t hit any nail into the wall today”. Her mother was very happy and gave her a plier and said to her “whenever a person annoys you and you are able to control your anger, pull out a nail from the wall”. She kept on doing this until after some time she pulled out all the nails. She joyfully ran to her mother again and told her what changes she had made. Her mother held her by her hand and said to her “come with me my daughter. You have pulled out all the nails but the wall is not and can never be the same again". The girl looked up sadly at her mother. The mother continued "it has ugly punctures which it has to live with”.
That is exactly what happens when you get mad at someone and use bad words on the person. You have killed the persons mind inside, because they say that a bad word is sharper than a dagger and the scar still remains and no matter how sorry you are, it will never be the same again.

About Uju

Name: Ani Obianuju Jessica
Age: 18 yrs
Birth Day: 16th Day of January
Height: 5ft 6
Nationality: Nigerian
State of Origin: Enugu State
Hobbies: Reading, Music and Dancing
Dislikes: Noise, pride and arrogance
Phone No: 080633407541 or 08042675812